Hi! I'm Mike Denney and I live in rural southeast Minnesota with my wife and family. I've been woodworking as a hobby for almost 35 years, doing mostly cabinetry work such as dressers, tables, kitchen cabinets and such.
In 2015 I discovered a new passion, and that is wood-turning. I bought myself a good lathe and used it so much I had to replace it with a much better (and bigger) lathe. My goal in turning is simple, which is to bring out the beauty in the wood as best I can. I like to use wood with 'character', such as knots, inclusions, burls, cracks, and even a bit of rot.
All of the wood I use is from already downed trees. I get quite a bit of wood from the leftovers of logging activity, and have a logger friend who brings me 'interesting' pieces such as burls and crotches. There's also a brush dump down the road that has let me dig through their pile of stumps. And finally, friends and neighbors keep me well supplied with storm-damaged trees.
I've used walnut, box elder, white/bur/red oak, black/green/white ash, sugar/silver maple, American/red elm, honey/black locust, white/river birch, apple, Osage Orange(from Iowa), hackberry, cherry, hickory, red cedar, willow, basswood, ironwood, and even buckthorn (nasty invasive, but pretty wood). With all this local wood available, I never purchase or work with exotics.
Here's my bowl making process:
Shellac is a food-grade finish that I'm sure you've consumed at one time or another because it's used in the food industry as well. It's a natural finish made from cocoons of the Laq bug, and this nature-nut loves it!
If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us for a refund or replacement. Our only goal is to make you happy.
First off, Good Wolf Bowls makes more than bowls. We also make vases, kitchen utensil holders, covered containers, ring holders and more. So why 'Good Wolf'? This originates from the story about the Native American boy struggling with good and bad thoughts, which were eventually personified as wolves. The boy's grandfather said his inner conflict arose from the fighting of the good wolf and the bad wolf, and the one that wins is the one that you feed, or devote time to. Making bowls and such feeds my good wolf, thus the name.